Located in Glendora, California (CA), the house with a blue print much criticized is listed on Redfin. While not currently on the market, it was last sold in 2021 for an approximate value of $780,000. If you look at the pictures of the house from the outside, it doesn't look as weird as it actually is.
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The weirdest floor plan of a house in California

If you look at this house, more specifically, in its floor plan, you can see how badly its planning is done. Seeing this project makes us question what was going on in a person's head to do something like that, doesn't it?
The distribution of the rooms
There's really no good explanation for all the things wrong with this house. If you look at how the divisions of the rooms were made, you will realize that there is no point.
The first observation that can be made is the fact that the garage is connected to the house through the master bedroom. Also, the living room does not connect to any of the adjacent rooms except the kitchen.
Another curious point is that you can only get to the rooms by going through the “extra room”, through the laundry room or through the kitchen. And why can you only exit three of the four rooms by entering another room? Nothing about this project makes sense, it's just too weird.
The only good part of the house
It can be said that the only attractive part of this house is the bar in the outdoor area with the pool, which really catches the eye. But is that enough to ignore everything else that was so badly done?
This gourmet area has a large pool located next to the bar, with some colored lights in the area, bringing a modern look and three waterfalls in the place. The bar indeed appears to have been well designed to be attractive and modern, a good place to gather friends and family.