Teenagers' Mental Health: Signs They Need Help

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Currently, research indicates that the mental health of teenagers can be greatly affected by numerous reasons. Among them, the changes – both physical and emotional – that happen at this stage, their vulnerability, the dangers they face and even social networks. For that reason, in order to explain a little more about it, we made this article.

Read more: Encourage teens to open up to mental health with this method

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Mental health in adolescence

Adolescents are those aged between 10 and 19 who are being molded into adulthood, but with a much smaller maturity and more exposed to various risks, which may end up affecting their health mental.

When their mental health is greatly affected, it can end up causing depression and, in more serious cases, even leading to suicide. It is currently the third leading cause of death among teenagers.

Therefore, it is very important to try to find ways to detect, as soon as possible, these situations that adolescents may be going through. One of the problems when talking about this is that they tend not to like to address their mental health conditions, which ends up making this process even more difficult and requiring much greater attention. That's because when these problems extend, they can end up harming physical and mental health, as well as limiting future opportunities.

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Knowing this, we have listed here some signs that parents or other adults responsible for the teenager need to always be aware of, which can help to understand how his mental health is.

Signs that help identify that a teenager's mental health is not going well

  • Isolation;
  • Sleep problems;
  • Change in appetite;
  • Mood swings;
  • Behavior changes;
  • Tiredness;
  • Excessive worry;
  • Difficulty concentrating.

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