Business writing - relevant aspects

In the business world there is no time to waste. Therefore, we believe that in this prerogative lies the importance of companies being increasingly improving as the requirements for hiring its employees, especially the competence to communicate adequately and objective. Proof of this are the newsrooms – which are part of the selection process.
We know that memos, reports, communications and business letters are part of the activities developed within a company, as they enable the formalization of writing. They therefore represent the formal record of internal or external correspondence or the record of a professional status.
As stated above, it is worth mentioning that the interlocutor does not have time to decipher possible truncations established by a communication that was not carried out fully, which only implies the loss of excellent opportunities by the entrepreneur. For this reason, it is necessary for the writer to be able to proceed properly, that is, ready to develop their skills in relation to the act of writing, taking into account the details established by the language in reference. By developing this procedure well, the employee helps to create a positive image of the company.

In this sense, the article in question aims to discuss some relevant points that demarcate the corporate writing, as even if the texts that represent it obey a unification, it is worth remembering that such standardization was the target of some changes simplifying. Thus, to be aware of such changes, the finalization of texts taken as official, regulated in 1937, had 15 standards, and currently there are only two. When the dispute in the commercial market became somewhat fierce, in the mid-1980s, companies tended to create a differential, especially with regard to the style of language.
Through this assumption, what can be noticed is that the clarity and precision in the speech are revealed as primordial factors. Therefore, it should be noted that, above all, the text needs to be clear, portrayed in a simple but cultured language. Thus, some tips are quite effective, in view of the recurring "deviations", such as the redundancies, buzzwords, disused expressions, among other factors, which end up directly interfering with quality of the message. Here, then, are some representative cases:
* We see through this communication / We see through this..., and the most recommendable thing is to go directly into the subject.
* Entirely available to our customers..., since “only available to our customers” is enough.
* We came to a conclusion that..., when the right thing is to just say "we concluded that..."
* In the case of dates, it is recommended that they be expressed as follows: São Paulo, October 7, 2009.
* As for the final greeting, it is worth remembering that we must use it "respectfully" when it comes to authorities superior to the recipient, and "sincerely" in the case of equal or lower hierarchies to him.
* In the space reserved for the signature, it is not necessary to add the dash to demarcate it, so take the example:

(So ​​and so)
Head of Personnel Department

 By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School -

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