Check out the new scam that cloned the Caixa Tem application

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Workers with the right to make an extraordinary withdrawal from the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) must be aware. This is because there is a bug that clones the Caixa Tem application, and unsuspecting users may end up falling into the virtual scheme. Therefore, check out this article for more details about the new scam that cloned the Caixa Tem application, and see what to do if you fell for it.

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New scam using the Caixa Tem app

To begin with, the theft occurs when a fraudster registers in the Caixa Tem application with the CPF number and other personal information of a legitimate user. However, he registers with a new email address and a new mobile phone number to prevent the owner from changing his password. When trying to log into the system, the worker discovers that he has a registration with that CPF.

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In cases where the worker encounters problems accessing the application, Caixa informs that it will be necessary to go to the nearest bank branch with the CPF in order to settle the account. This same procedure must be done in case you notice an unknown phone number associated with the account.

Finally, the bank also warns that it is not Caixa's procedure to send messages requesting data, personal information, passwords, links or any other type of contact by email, SMS or Whatsapp.

What to do if you fell for the scam?

If you are no longer able to access your Caixa Tem account, that is, if your password appears as wrong or there is an unrecognized phone registered, you must urgently seek an agency Box. Therefore, do not forget to take facial recognition documents, such as your RG, and if your money has been withdrawn, you must file a police report at the police station.
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