How to use the Serasa application for debt installments?

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The Centralization of Bank Services (Serasa) is a private company, but it has a public nature. It has the function of gathering and analyzing all information from people, whether individuals or legal entities, who have debts.

Thus, banks created it with the aim of centralizing information and helping consumers to seek the best deal to pay their debts. In addition, Serasa also has other partnerships that allow vehicle debts to be paid in up to 12 installments. Check out!

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The Serasa app

Serasa's main function is to manage a database with all information on individuals and companies, with the aim of analyzing whether they have any financial defaults.

Thus, if any consumer does not pay their debts correctly, their CPF is negative. That is, he will not be able to obtain credit approval until he regularizes his situation and “clears his name”.

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The Serasa application is a means by which consumers can check their CPF status and look for ways to reach agreements with both parties. In this context, there is the possibility of paying debts in installments, including vehicle debts.

How to pay car debts in installments?

The Serasa application has a partnership with Zapay, a startup that operates in the installment of vehicle debts. Thus, it is possible to pay such debts in up to 12 installments.

If you are interested, it is possible to pay the debts in installments using your credit card, bank slip or PIX. In addition, the user can pay fines, IPVA and other debts related to vehicular matters in the app itself.

Accessing the Serasa application is very practical. First, download the app and register. Then, look for the “Pay” option and select the “Vehicular debts” payment option. Enter your car details, check existing debts and pay the way you choose. Isn't it simple?

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