Since assuming the presidency, in early 2023, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has been announcing improvements to Minha Casa, Minha Vida.
Now, the President of the Republic has announced that he is studying expanding the range of access for the acquisition of properties through the MCMV. According to Lula, real estate financing of up to R$ 500,000 may be made.
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In this way, it would be possible to obtain facilities for the financing of houses, land and apartments by more Brazilians. The idea is to increase monthly income to include families earning between R$10,000 and R$12,000.
Families with higher incomes can be served
Currently, Minha Casa, Minha Vida encompasses people and families earning up to R$8,000 per month. Inclusive, for many analysts, this is one of the main actions of Lula's third term in the presidency of Brazil.
Today, people who receive between R$2,640 and R$8,000 can participate in the housing incentive. These citizens can win government subsidies to buy properties worth up to R$ 264,000.
If the expansion is put into practice, this same salary range could earn higher values, up to R$ 350 thousand. The FGTS (Guarantee Fund for Length of Service) would be one of the tools from which funds can be withdrawn to settle the financing.
What is Minha Casa, Minha Vida?
‘Minha Casa, Minha Vida’ is a housing program created by the Brazilian government with the aim of providing decent housing for families of low income. It was launched in 2009 and has gone through several stages and adjustments since then.
The program establishes a partnership between the federal government, states, municipalities and companies. It offers subsidies and special financing conditions so that low-income families can acquire their own properties.
The benefits offered by the program include the possibility of long-term financing and low interest rates. The contracts signed under the program include monthly installments adequate to the families' ability to pay, subsidies that reduce the value of the property and the possibility of using the FGTS.