How to improve your memory according to scientists

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Did you know that, according to researchers, the number of cases of dementia and degenerative diseases should increase significantly in the coming years? Because of this, many people have already started to re-evaluate their habits and have started to work on ways to improve their habits. memoirs. If you're one of those people who forget things a lot, check out these tips for how to improve your memory according to scientists.

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First of all, it's important to be calm, forgetting things doesn't mean you're sick. After all, many times, this is the result of a busy day-to-day, which can really make us forget about deadlines, commitments and answering some messages on WhatsApp. In this case, it is very important to work with your health and well-being. See below how.

Invest in a balanced diet

There is “nowhere to run”, a healthy diet is essential for our health, be it physical or mental. Because of this, consuming fruits and vegetables in a balanced way can make a lot of difference in the lives of those forgotten people. According to researches, the consumption of these foods causes less

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memory loss long-term.

Because of this, while you are young, invest a lot in these foods, as this is not a habit that pays off if you only start consuming them at older ages.

Keep friends and family close

If you have a healthy network of contacts, whether friends or family, science points out that keeping them close is essential for the health of our memory. This is because socializing is excellent for greatly reducing the risk of dementia, as friendly conversations greatly stimulate our brain.

Beware of Excessive Worry

Did you know that forgetting is also closely linked to the inability to access some memories? So it's important to understand that this is often a natural and even (sometimes) healthy process for brain function. Because of this, it is very common to forget a subject after spending some time without studying it. Therefore, it is essential to reinforce our memories, whether through checklists, calendars and even alarms.
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