Job vacancies in the metaverse: have you thought about working in another reality?

A parallel reality, in which there is a world completely different from what we are used to, in which we can be whoever we want and build our own self, with all the qualities we we crave. This is the proposal of the metaverse.

The concept of metaverse was born in 1992 and aims to identify something that is beyond the universe. A reality beyond the one we live, but with everything we are imagining, including job vacancies.

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Working in another dimension?

Ways of working have changed a lot over the years. Therefore, many jobs were extinguished with technological advancement and people had to adapt to certain conditions. With the pandemic, for example, the concept of the home office gained strength, and many companies adhered to this way of working.

So, after Facebook changed the name of its brand to META, which makes direct reference to the metaverse, some companies are already starting to target this new technological universe.

Thus, it is to be expected that many positions migrate from the real world to the virtual one. Some automotive companies, for example, already hold their meetings with engineers using virtual reality glasses, in which everyone can be “present” virtually analyzing the cars.

Are there already vacancies to work in the metaverse?

Some vacancies are already starting to appear for those who wish to embark on this new virtual world. Among them is the research scientist in the metaverse, responsible for building technologies such as games, software, ad control and data organization.

Others such as digital space designer, digital fashion stylist, event director and avatar influencer are some vacancies available for the retail branch. Some national companies, such as Magazine Luiza, already develop avatars, using modern design and artificial intelligence.

Finally, technology is expanding diverse employment possibilities. Therefore, invest in courses about this new reality, imagining joining the metaverse job market for the future.

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