3 Things Older People Wish Their 'Old-Selves' Knew

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We know that we all make mistakes or choices in the past that if it were possible to travel back in time and change what was done, many of us would choose to do so. In the case of the elderly, it would be the choice of a good part of them, according to recent research. Read on and find out, throughout the article, what tips older people have to pass on.

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What does the research say?

See below how the research was done and the conclusion:

How was it made?

The survey, conducted in the United States with 2,000 Americans aged 65 and over, was asked through a question to them: “what would you like to know in the past that you know today in day?". After this question it was discovered that 36% wanted to have the knowledge they have today in areas such as: love, finance and health. The elderly also claimed that if they had obtained this information when they were younger, they would have made other decisions in life.

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When asked which time in their lives they would return if they could, 30% chose to return when they were 30 years old and 25% would choose their 20s, claiming it to be the happiest time of life from them.

Other information that may serve as tips

Research by BrightStar Care, a healthcare agency, and conducted by OnePoll also found that, when going back in time, 20% of older adults believe that would financially save money and 14% would have invested, in addition, 39% of seniors wanted to have been financially advised when they were younger and 38% wanted to have studied more.

However, 50% of the elderly admit that they received advice mainly from parents or more experienced people and only started to listen to this advice later on. Besides them, 49% just ignored the advice they were given.

Enjoy life anyway

When asked about their current happiness, 36% of the elderly answered that even with the mistakes of the past, they are happy with the life they have and believe that the mistakes made served as a lesson and the benefited.

“It's healthy to look back on your youth and take a deep look at all you've accomplished and learned over the years,” said Shelly Sun, Founder and CEO of BrightStar Care.

The 3 most important tips

When asked what advice they would give to their younger selves, the most common responses were “Accept more challenges”, “follow your intuition” and most importantly “Don't be afraid to live, enjoy life life".

And the advice they would give to the young generation is related to education, money and health. In addition, some shared their wisdom in phrases such as “Be humble at all times” and “Eliminate negative thoughts”.

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