Discover 5 foods you should avoid eating at restaurants

When going to a restaurant, it is necessary to guarantee that we will be well served and that the food presented is of good quality and safe for our health. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant surprises you should not consume some types of food, check out which ones now!

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raw sprouts

The first food to be careful about when eating in restaurants is raw sprouts. That's because this food, when not well prepared, can become vectors of some diseases that are very harmful to our health, such as Salmonella and Listeria.

If you want to consume raw sprouts, which contain important nutrients for our body, it is I need to make sure that they have been treated well and are completely free of the presented diseases. above.


Oysters have a characteristic flavor and are some people's favorite seafood. However, you need to be very careful when consuming them in restaurants, as they can transmit some diseases caused by bacteria, such as Vibrio.


The buffet is one of the best known options when it comes to food at a lower cost. Although they can offer a greater amount of food options, the buffet ends up being a conducive environment for food poisoning because it leaves food exposed for a long time.

iceberg lettuce

Iceberg lettuce is one of the most common items to be found on restaurant plates. However, it is important to avoid consuming them, as they may have bacteria on their leaves. That's because cleaning the lettuce leaves can be a slightly more complicated task, and many restaurants don't appreciate the work.

Oranges and lemon in drinks

When going to the restaurant, it is very common to have the option of drinks with orange or lemon. These foods can bring a different flavor to the drink, however, care must be taken when requesting this option. This occurs due to poor storage and treatment of these slices, which are offered because they are usually prepared in advance and are exposed to bacteria in the environment.

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