Audiobooks on Apple Book will be narrated by artificial intelligence

Audiobooks are great resources for people to spend more time on books, even if they don't have time to stop and read some. Thinking about changing, Apple launched an idea in which audiobooks are narrated by an artificial intelligence (AI). This filter added to Apple Books will bring innovation to the application and promises to be a major breakthrough for the lucrative and increasingly advanced market of narrated books.

Audiobooks on Apple: Everything you need to know

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the audiobooks

It is essential to keep our brain constantly updated and functioning.

Reading and listening to stories are great options to achieve this purpose. Based on this statement, we make a point of emphasizing audiobooks, as they are practical means and versatile to keep the reader on top of the year's trends, but saving the time of those very busy.

It's too practical, since we can hear different stories anywhere.

Apple innovates the audiobook market

The multinational launches the idea that audiobooks can be narrated by AI.

This novelty brings to the market a differential that can leverage the publication and sale of audiobooks. This new configuration is already possible to be seen in English and through the Apple Book.

Artificial intelligence as a reading tool is a big step for the entire technology industry, as it favors a great growth and development of the globalized technological process. Furthermore, it is estimated that audiobook sales could move approximately $30 million by 2030.

Audiobooks narrated on Apple Books, before being made available, undergo an authorization process with the authors of the texts. Added to this, it should be noted that, from each sale of the audiobook, the author also receives a commission.

They are available on the app. apple Books and are already narrated by the AI ​​added to the tool.

The narration will always have a tag: “Narrated by Apple Books”.

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