Understand about some of the main causes of fatty liver

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Many Brazilians are affected by fat in the liver And most of them don't even know. This is because it is a silent disease that may have genetic factors and whose detection is only done by carrying out tests. For this reason, it is important to always be attentive to the signs given by the body to start the treatment as soon as possible.

Follow the text and find out about some of the main causes of fatty liver.

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What is liver fat?

Also known as hepatic steatosis, this disease occurs when a deposit of fat forms in the liver that can cause a series of problems in the proper functioning of the organ.

In this case, the cells that make up the liver are infiltrated with fat that can cause serious complications. In some cases, however, it is common to have a certain amount of fat.

However, when there is a disorderly increase in volume, in which the liver starts to accumulate fat excessively, this situation becomes worrying, and so it is necessary to start a treatment as soon as possible possible.

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Fatty liver symptoms

Liver fat is serious and needs treatment. So, if you have noticed any of the following symptoms, seek medical attention.

  • loss of appetite

If you are suffering from constant nausea and poor appetite, it is a sign that you may have fatty liver. In that case, it's important to seek medical help to check the cause of this behavior.

  • Fatigue

A frequent feeling of tiredness and discomfort can be a sign of fatty liver.

  • Abdominal pain

If you're feeling your abdomen bloated, more towards the upper right corner, it could be a sign. This happens with the accumulation of fluids in the organ, which can make it swell. This can cause pain and that famous water belly feeling.

  • other symptoms

Other symptoms such as chills, red spots, depression, weight loss and other factors are also linked to this situation. If you are experiencing any of these, see your doctor.

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