Which Amazonian animals are threatened with extinction?

The Amazon was declared a natural heritage by UNESCO in 2020, being the largest set of existing fauna and flora. There are thousands of species of fish, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and insects living in the largest tropical forest in the world.

However, wild hunting and fishing, as well as constant deforestation in the region, are serious threats to this rich fauna. Therefore, we have listed in this article what are the animals of the amazon that are at risk of extinction. Check out!

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animals of the amazon

In the Amazon, what most calls attention is the exorbitant amount of animal species in the region. There are about 2 million species, some of which can be found exclusively in the Amazon. However, some representatives of the region's fauna are at serious risk of extinction. Find out what they are below.


Some of the best-known mammals in the Amazon are also the most endangered. The jaguar, for example, is one of the most sought-after felines in irregular hunting for entertainment purposes, thus placing it at the top of the list of endangered animals. Check below:

  • Jaguar;
  • Margay;
  • Puma;
  • Spider monkey;
  • Caraiara;
  • Wild cat.

There are also some endangered aquatic mammals. This is the case of the manatee, much sought after by hunters due to its meat and fat, and the pink dolphin and gray dolphin, threatened due to improper fishing and large constructions hydroelectric plants in the region.


The diversity of birds in the Amazon is also the target of criminal intentions, and therefore, many birds may cease to exist in the region. This is what happens with the macaws, which are often captured and sold to the animal trade. Other birds that are part of the list of endangered animals in the Amazon are the ararajuba and the harpy eagle.

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