Understand how the electric car supply points will be

The electric car market is growing exponentially. Therefore, there must also be enough charging stations to meet the demand. Thus, in the USA there is a public and private movement for this to occur, while in Brazil this movement is seen only in the private sphere.

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The electric car market

The number of electric cars is increasing more and more, but the number of charging points needs to keep up with this market growth. In a survey carried out in the United States, it was found that there was, on average, one charging point for each gas station. Given this, it is clear that the number of these posts in Brazil is still insufficient.

What is the ideal amount?

The US Department of Energy points out that the ideal number of charging locations corresponds to 40 Level 2 ports and 3.4 DCFC fast chargers per thousand electric cars. As a result, it appears that the current number of 41 level 2 entries and 5.7 DCFC per thousand cars will not be able to keep up with market growth.

The autonomy of electric vehicles is increasing. That is, there are already cars from automakers like Tesla and Mercedes that manage to run a greater mileage than older electric cars. However, with 35 million electric cars forecast by 2030, the United States needs, on average, 478 new charging stations to support demand.

Given this, there is a new infrastructure law in the Biden Administration that wants to reach 500,000 charging points by 2030. In addition to public incentives, the private sector is also interested in increasing this infrastructure.

In Brazil

The Brazilian reality is very different, since the number of electric cars is much lower than in the USA. However, the growth of this number is intense. In view of this, in 2021, the number of recharging stations increased from 350 to a thousand, expected to triple in 2022.

However, in the Brazilian case there is no public plan on the part of the government to increase this infrastructure. However, in the private sector, some companies have mobilized in this regard.

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