4 animals considered 'living fossils' that still exist on the planet

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From a scientific point of view, all species with prehistoric characteristics have already been considered extinct. However, those currently existing carry morphological traces of millions of years. It's like saying that these animals are like "living fossils", because their physical and motor conditions are very similar to the ancient ones. Currently, there are about 8,400 genres with this characteristic. Follow the text and learn more!

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Animals considered “living fossils”

Animals considered “living fossils”: it is a popular name given to all animals that have characteristics very close to their first ancestor, that is, they have not undergone major mutations.

Scientists, however, do not agree with this nomination, as fossils are all animal remains or records preserved for years, and cannot be alive.

According to data from the Fossilworks Paleobiology Database, there are about 8,400 species of animals, plants and microorganisms with this characteristic. Among them, the best known are the crocodile, turtles and komodo dragons.

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The tortoise has withstood time and all its species of chelonians (tortoises, tortoises, tortoises) have inhabited the earth for over 220 million years. The first turtle had teeth and an auditory system, however, unlike the current one, its shell was more malleable.


The first crocodile species has been dated to 248 million years ago. According to scientists, they lived with dinosaurs and created ways of adapting that made them survive until today.


The cockroach is that insect that can adapt to any place, from sewers to the most unhealthy places. This feature of its allowed it to be on earth for 300 million years. The first ones, however, were much bigger, with about 1 meter in length.


The scorpion was the first arthropod on earth. They have existed for about 400 million years. They are more adapted to hot and humid places, but currently they can be found in all continents of the world.

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