Do you often travel by plane? Check out this case about an executive fired after allegedly urinating on a 72-year-old woman. This occurred on a recent Air India flight. Keep reading and learn more about this case.
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Shankar Mishra, has been identified as the executive who was fired after urinating on a lady. He worked for US bank Wells Fargo from their corporate office in Mumbai. Furthermore, he was vice president of Indian operations at the bank when he boarded the flight.
In her complaint, the lady reports: “He unzipped his pants and urinated on me and stood still until the person sitting next to me patted him and told him to go back to his seat. place". To make matters worse, the woman wrote, in her complaint letter to the airline, that she had to stay for 2 hours in a crew seat used by airline staff.
Furthermore, she said that the airline crew asked her to return to her urine-soaked seat, but she refused. Eventually, she said, Mishra started crying and apologizing as he was "sobering up". As well as begging her not to file a complaint.
What happened next
Now, see what happened to the executive after he was suspected of urinating in a 72-year-old woman:
Local media claim Mishra has been arrested and faces charges of committing a lewd act in a public place, assault or criminal force on a woman with the intent to outrage her modesty and public misconduct by a person drunk. Furthermore, Mishra's lawyer told local media that the executive reached a financial settlement with the unnamed victim as compensation.
However, the woman criticized the airline, which initially refused to refund her ticket. After that, the airline said it issued a full refund. Campbell Wilson, CEO of Air India's parent company Tata Group, issued a statement apologizing for the conduct of the airline and stated that the company had fired the pilot and four crew members involved in the incident.