Buddhist precepts that are associated with lower risk of depression

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According to a study, people who follow the 5 precepts of Buddhism, whether practicing this religion or not, have a lower chance of developing depression. Interested in the subject? Continue reading and find out more right now.

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The 5 Buddhist precepts and depression

Through old research, it was possible to say that, whether for followers or non-followers, Buddhist precepts were capable of generating well-being and increasing people's quality of life. However, nothing was informed about the relationship of such subject with the symptoms of depression.

In this way, Nahathai Wongpakaran and his colleagues at the University of Chiang Mai, Thailand, directed a research with the objective of trying to relate the levels of stress, symptoms of depression and neuroticism with the 5 precepts of Buddhism.

It is worth remembering that these precepts are guidelines for not killing, not engaging in sexual misconduct, not stealing, not using toxic substances and not telling malicious lies.

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What did the research show?

As a result, the online survey was conducted with 644 participants, and the analysis showed that the High-level practice of these 5 precepts was able to alleviate the effects of stress from depression. That is, the study proved that people who have high levels of stress and neuroticism, when they practice the 5 Buddhist precepts, they are less likely to develop the symptoms of depression.

However, despite the observation of significant benefits in relation to the 5 precepts and depression, no cause and effect relationship was discovered.

Another thing observed was that the analyzed public had a significant range of women and people who live alone, even the religious option of the participants was unknown, although about 93.3% of them stated that they were Buddhists.

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