Natural aspects of Minas Gerais

Minas Gerais is a state that makes up the Brazilian federation, occupying fourth place in territorial extension with an area of ​​586. 528 km2.
This immense territory, which is equivalent to that of France, encompasses a great natural wealth, thus, we present the main natural aspects of the State with emphasis on the relief, climate, vegetation and hydrography.
The characteristics of the relief of Minas Gerais make the State present the highest altitude in the country. The surface of the State is composed of relief, with altitudes ranging between 900 and 1500 meters, in addition, it is possible to identify five relief units.
Crystalline Plateau – It presents average altitudes of 800 meters on the plateaus and in the vicinity of the forest area, this decreases. There are also depressions that give rise to the valleys of the Jequitinhonha and Doce rivers.
Serra do Espinhaço – It has an average altitude of 1,300 meters.
Francisco River Depression – Occurs in the western part of Minas, in the north-south direction, with an average altitude of 500 meters.

São Francisco Plateau – It is a space composed of plateaus with rugged relief divided by valleys, with an average altitude of 1,000 meters.
Paraná Plateau – It has an average altitude of 600 meters with the presence of several rivers such as the Prata, Tijuco and Araguari.
In the territory of Minas Gerais, the prevailing climate is the tropical of altitude, in addition to presenting the tropical. The first occurs in the higher relief areas where temperatures ranging from 17 to 20ºC develop, with rainfall in excess of 1,300 mm per year. The tropical climate is found in the lower areas, the temperature in this region oscillates between 22 and 23ºC with two well-defined seasons, with rainy summers and dry winters. Rainfall in the north of the state varies from 700 to 900 mm and in the south from 1,300 to 1,400 mm.
As for the vegetation cover, in its original or native phase, it was composed of the Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, Campos Rupestres and Dry Forest domains.
In the past, the Cerrado covered almost 50% of the state's territory, especially in the central, western, northwestern and northern parts.
The Atlantic Forest occurs in the south, southeast, central and east, today there are practically no preserved areas with this type of vegetation.
The hydrographic network of the State of Minas Gerais is basically constituted by the São Francisco and Paraná basins, in addition to other secondary ones that head towards the Atlantic Ocean.
The São Francisco basin has as main tributaries the rivers Carinhanha, Urucuia and Paracatu (left bank) and Paraopeba, Velhas and Verde Grande.
The Paraná basin is constituted by the Grande and Paranaíba rivers, in addition to other tributaries.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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