Author and Narrator: Characteristics that diverge them

Positioning ourselves as readers, we must not only be aware of the essence of the plot itself, but also of some characteristics inherent to the narrative genre itself.

In the meantime, it is equivalent to paying special attention to the aspects related to the differences that demarcate the question of the narrator and the author, given that the confusion established between these two elements occurs as recurrent.

Thus, when appraising a work, it is of fundamental importance to give credibility to the authorship, given that knowing the author is, above all, becoming familiar with the positions he occupies within the story. However, we have to be aware that because he is the person who writes, it does not mean that he also occupies the position of narrator.

For this reason, it is always good to be aware that however there are some identity traits among them, the author is a person and the narrator defines himself as another "being", even if it translates as someone imaginary. Therefore, let us know that the author is the one who writes a certain work and the narrator is the being the author uses to tell us the story.

This is the big difference that from now on will demarcate your knowledge about aspects related to reading, especially the literary.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School -

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