Check out the list of benefits that seniors are entitled to and may not know

The third age brings with it several social benefits, which make life a little easier for those who have dedicated themselves so much over the years. And it is very important that this group bears in mind what these benefits and rights are so as not to be harmed.

In order to guarantee the protection of these people, Federal Law 10.741/2003 regulates the Statute of the elderly, and today we bring you a list with the benefits that cannot be left aside for the best age.

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Read more: Sixty! Discover the best benefits for those over 60

Free access to health service

The legislation says that the Unified Health System (SUS) must guarantee comprehensive care for the elderly. In addition, seniors over 80 will always have a certain priority over other patients, except in emergency cases, where a person needs immediate care.

free medicine

The law guarantees free medication for seniors over 60 years of age, especially those for continuous use. These medicines can be picked up at government-owned health networks or at pharmacies that have an agreement with the popular pharmacy.


For those who have the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS), you can redeem it when you retire, or when you turn 70. To receive this amount, you need to go to a Caixa agency and present the document that proves the benefit and an identity document to prove your age.


This is a benefit given to seniors who have not been able to retire because they do not meet the necessary requirements.

In this case, people over 65 years of age, with an income of less than a quarter of the minimum wage, are entitled to receive the Continuous Cash Benefit, the famous BPC. The amount paid is R$ 1212, according to the 2022 floor and can be requested at the INSS, but for that you need to be enrolled in the Single Registry.

Property tax exemption

This is for seniors over 60 who have a single property in the municipality. To receive the IPTU exemption, you must have an income of up to 3 minimum wages and apply for the benefit in the city.

Income Tax Exemption

This will depend on the amount of the benefit, however, retirees and pensioners may have an extra exemption from Income Tax.

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