FGV launches free e-book that helps to understand the Metaverse

O Metaverse it is a great evolution of technology, which allows for a richer virtual experience, on a platform that allows for various interactions that previously we could only carry out in person.

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This is a new experience on the market, so new that many people are still missing out on all of its features. It was with this in mind that the International Prospecting and Intelligence Center of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) NPII), in partnership with Demarest Advogados, created an e-book that explains the Metaverse concept and its properties.

Entitled “Intellectual Property in the Metaverse”, the e-book brings discussions about the new market that this universe created, such as the modalities and areas of action that the Metaverse behavior, issues of copyright, image, avatars and holograms, based on the LDA, and also on the regulation of publicity and advertising within the Metaverso, along with the regulations of the CONAR.

This new tool is becoming a virtual phenomenon and allows for a new economic and social vision. According to Leonardo Paz Neves, political scientist and Qualitative Intelligence analyst at FGV NPII, the Metaverse can be considered as the fourth revolution industrial and came to revolutionize the virtual field in order to simplify certain activities, as we did during the pandemic with online consultations and work from home office.

However, these are not the only benefits. According to Neves, the Metaverse “brings challenges. Among them, that of restructuring an economy increasingly dependent on the internet. And still social and health challenges, because of the greater screen time and connection. So, we need to understand how we are going to deal with this, ”he points out.

He also says that aspects related to legislation, as well as punishment and monetization, need to be urgently discussed due to the advancement of technology. Therefore, the e-book came to assist in this elaboration and discussion.

Click here to access the e-book.

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