Driven by the culture of social media and influencers that exhibit their physical exercise routines and healthy eating, many people change their lives every day and go in search of the ideal body. As social life does not stop and the presence of alcohol is common on dates, find out if it is possible to drink and do physical activities.
Relationship between drinking alcohol and doing physical activity
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When a person tries to perform certain exercises, he is usually looking to lose weight or gain muscle mass. As a result, you will lose a percentage of fat and stay healthier.
To answer the question about whether or not it is possible to drink and go to the gym, for example, everything will depend on your own goals. For fans of a more balanced style, with percentages of fat at intermediate levels, around 20%, there is no problem consuming drinks when training is maintained.
When there is a search for a more pronounced muscle definition or body improvement to become a athlete, the ideal is to avoid ingesting alcoholic beverages in order to maintain the percentage of body fat in to 10%.
In addition to the body scenario, the consumption of alcoholic beverages can negatively contribute to a good performance in training, in which there is a loss of physical strength and lean muscle mass.
Naturally, not every amount of alcohol has the ability to negatively interfere with training. Therefore, consuming up to 30 g of alcohol will not affect your fitness routine. On average, this amount represents approximately the consumption of two medium glasses of 660 ml of wine.
If your preference is to consume beers, it is essential to understand that not necessarily the yellow liquid refreshing fattening, but contributes to increasing inflammatory aspects of the body, which facilitate the accumulation of fat body.
If combined with the lowest degree of detoxification and inflammation control, combined with a genetic factor unfavorable for burning fat and an unhealthy diet, beer can increase the amount of fat in the body. Therefore, paying attention to what is consumed, as well as the amount, is essential to understand whether alcohol will negatively interfere with your workouts or not.
Drinking too much also increases permissive behavior with regard to what we eat. This combination of alcohol and bad eating habits they are also bad for those who do physical activities. It is necessary to seek balance.