5 Behaviors That Keep You Away from Professional Success

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Who did you ever dream of being professional recognition in the company you work for? Some wait years for a promotion in order to reach a higher salary or a more attractive position.

There is no doubt that this desire is common, but have you ever stopped to think about what you have been doing to achieve better job proposals? Not always wanting is enough. First of all, you must be aware that many people are in the same situation as you and that it is difficult for you to get where you want to always act in the same way.

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When we refer to professional success, we take into account technical and behavioral aspects. Obviously technical training and skills practices are key to doing well in any job, but your behavioral profile also reflects on your professional success.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there is hardly any time left to assess the way you behave, much less if there is something wrong with it. In this corporate scenario, it moves away from self-knowledge and self-criticism, which consequently generates a distancing from

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best job opportunities.

To help you identify the main causes of professional failure, we have selected five behaviors that should be avoided in the workplace.

Behaviors that keep you away from professional success:

  1. Difficulty adapting

Firstly, it is important to think that the labor market is constantly changing and those professionals who have difficulties adapting to it are the most affected in this scenario.

Those who follow this dynamic pace are more likely to stand out and be seen as a more prepared professional. Try to escape the victim role and see the opportunities that may arise in the midst of turmoil. It may be at this point that you can leverage your career.

  1. Assuming a management position without having the right profile

If you are part of a company and don't know exactly where you want to go, you will hardly be successful. It is important that you are aware of your preparation to assume a certain position, especially as a manager.

If you are not prepared, you can compromise the result of your work and convey the feeling that you are not a good professional. Before that, make sure your profile or career assets relate to technical or management skills. This will give you more security when performing your functions.How to Acquire Professional Success

  1. distribute the blame

Failing in the work environment is really unpleasant for any professional. When something goes differently than expected, there is always someone who is ready to distribute the blame, in order to find someone responsible for such an error.

Some point to people and others to external factors, with arguments that the market suffered a downturn, weather conditions interfered, the World Cup got in the way. This type of behavior may even seem smart, but the truth is that outsourcing the blame is much worse than assuming it.

  1. Underestimating your competence

No professional is required to know everything or be excellent in all of their actions. Try to accept your limitations and seek to approach people capable of complementing your work, in terms of skills and competences.

Feeling dazed when being close to smart people it's outdated and will keep you away from professional growth. To do so, avoid limited beliefs that could hinder your capacity for initiative and growth.

  1. conformism

People who conform to their current situation and do not seek to grow and evolve end up stagnant. This usually happens because of the fear of taking chances or making mistakes. Proactivity, a behavior that is very well seen in the current job market, comes from people who do not wait passively for challenges or postpone the execution of complex tasks. They are always willing to face new things.

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