10 ways to use peeled apples in your diet

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Apples are nutritious and tasty, plus they offer many health benefits. These fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and iron, and contain antioxidants that can help protect the body from cell damage. And, to facilitate their consumption, peeling them can help in this process. See ways to use peeled apples in meals.

10 ways to use apples

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Try adding them to your meals for a sweet taste and extra dose of nutrients. Here are 10 ideas for including peeled apples in your meals:

as a snack

Just cut the apple into thin slices and eat it as a healthy snack anytime of the day.

in smoothies

Add peeled apple slices to your morning smoothie for added flavor and nutrition. It is possible to make mixtures with other fruits, for example with bananas and red fruits.

in salads

Cut the apple into small cubes and add to your salad for a sweet and crunchy touch.

In cakes and pies

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Add grated peeled apple to cake and pie recipes for flavor and moisture.

in jams

Cook peeled apples with sugar and spices to create a homemade jam that can be used on pancakes, toast or as a filling in pies.

in juices

Add peeled apples to your fruit juice for added flavor and texture.

in soups

Add peeled apple cubes to pumpkin or onion soups for a sweet touch.

in stews

Add diced peeled apple to beef or chicken stews to balance flavor and add nutrients.

in chutneys

Grind peeled apples with spices and vinegar to create a chutney that can be used as a dipping sauce for meats or as an accompaniment to Indian dishes.

as decoration

Cut peeled apples into thin slices and use as decoration for pies or cakes.


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