Dulce de leche cut that only takes 3 ingredients

A good Brazilian certainly loves milk cream, which is a very traditional delicacy in our country. This is because, in addition to being delicious, it is also very practical to make, even in the cut version. Therefore, anyone, even if they have no experience in kitchen, you can test and make this delight to taste. Not to mention that it only takes three ingredients and takes only 30 to 40 minutes to prepare.

So, without further ado, let's get to this delicious dulce de leche recipe.

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As we mentioned, there are only three very basic ingredients for this recipe, so you probably already have everything at home. But if you don't have them, no problem, just go to the nearest market and you'll definitely find them at a very affordable price. Check out the full list:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 3 cups (tea) of sugar;
  • ½ spoon (coffee) of sodium bicarbonate.

Also, you can try adding two or three cloves to give your recipe an extra flavor. You can also change the traditional milk, of animal origin, for coconut milk, which will have an equally incredible result.

Method of preparation

To make this candy you will need to separate a tall pan and pour the milk. Note that the pan must be large, as you will need to stir, and that way you avoid spilling the milk. Now, put in the three cups of sugar and then the baking soda. If you use carnations, this will also be the time to insert them.

Then, place over medium heat and stir constantly, even after the mixture starts to boil. So, note that over time, the liquid begins to thicken and turn into a thick mass. When the candy starts to come away from the bottom of the pan, you can turn off the heat, then stir for just two more minutes, just to make sure it stays firm. Finally, pour all the dulce de leche into a greased mold with margarine, and then wait for it to cool down to cut it and enjoy!

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