Creamy coffee recipe: Learn how to make the “Dalgona”

Have you tried the “Dalgona” coffee? This is, in fact, a more full-bodied and creamy coffee that got its name due to the similarity in flavor with a Brazilian sweet. to do this creamy coffee recipe, you'll only need five minutes or so and a hand mixer.

Read more: Two new refreshing iced coffee recipes that are easy to make.

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creamy coffee recipe


This drink really is delicious, but it won't demand too much from you either in time or in terms of ingredients and techniques. By the way, to make it, you only need four ingredients, which are also those traditional for soluble coffee. Check out the full list:

  • 50 g of soluble coffee;
  • 1 cup (tea) boiling water;
  • 2 cups (tea) of sugar;
  • 1 cup of warm milk.

Method of preparation

To start, mix all the mentioned amount of sugar and instant coffee in a container. Soon after, put the cup of boiling water and start beating the mixture with the mixer. At this point, it will be necessary to beat enough until your coffee gains a full-bodied and creamy consistency. Only then add the warm milk and mix once more, only now straight into the glass. That is, take a spoonful of the creamy mixture and add it to a glass of warm milk to dissolve. This way, you will have a sweet and smooth drink to get your friends together and drink.

benefits of coffee

In addition to being a very tasty drink and the favorite of many Brazilians, coffee also has some important functions for those who consume it. Starting with the well-known ability to make us more awake and attentive due to caffeine, which guarantees a powerful action on our memory.

In addition, the drink will help strengthen our heart, speed up our metabolism and also protect against degenerative diseases. There are even a series of studies that point to the relationship between coffee consumption to prevent the development of some diseases with an overwhelming effect, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. So, be sure to drink your coffee every day and innovate in the recipe whenever you can.

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