Discover the 5 scientific advances expected for 2022

You scientific advances and technology will not end in the areas of devices and the internet. After all, we are in a moment of intense capacity for scientific production due to investment in research and stimulation of new studies.

In this case, a large part of the robust investment that science is experiencing in some countries is born out of the capitalist interest in being able to produce more. This is the case with recent space missions that are funded by well-known billionaires such as Elon Musk.

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Still, many other areas of science benefit from these new resources that arrive and are also developing necessary advances. Therefore, if you are interested in knowing what awaits us in the future, here are some of the scientific discoveries that are about to happen.

5 scientific breakthroughs that could happen in 2022

  • particle physics

The sciences have never lost interest in discovering the secrets of the origin of the universe, and this is the object of particle physics studies. Furthermore, this area of ​​physics is expected to take a major leap forward this year, as four gravitational wave detectors in the world have been upgraded. With this, new observations are possible, as well as the Large Hadron Collider, which is back in action in Geneva, indicating new studies of particles.

  • back to the moon

After more than half a century since the first time man stepped on the moon, new missions are being developed, starting with NASA. In this case, the American Agency, responsible for the first landing on lunar soil, will shortly begin testing for a new mission. For now, the prediction for this to occur remains for 2025, but all tests already begin this year.

  • meet mars

Much has been said about possible colonization on Mars, and it is important that you know that this is not an exaggeration. As large companies and agencies are investing heavily in missions to Mars, such as the Space Agency European Union, which together with Russia and ExoMars, intend to go to the planet in September to take a probe exploratory.

  • China's space station

It seems that the US-Europe axis is not the only one interested in conquering space, as it is on China's agenda to complete its Space Station. Thus, the Tiangong equipment should enable large Earth observation experiments and study the effects of microgravity.

  • New vaccines against Covid-19

The creation of vaccines is not over, as scientists are still interested in developing improvements in immunizers. Therefore, the next vaccines must work with messenger RNA and even with human DNA itself.

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