Brain challenge: Make the cups spin by moving sticks!

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Thinking geometrically is not easy. For this, it is necessary to understand, among other concepts, that of vectors: They are straight line segments that have a type of size, direction and direction. Think of these toothpicks as vectors. You'll need to change their direction and direction, but with a purpose: Invert the cups with just 4 toothpicks. Can you fulfill the mental challenge quickly?

Read more: Mental test: is it possible to form a bigger number by moving only 1 toothpick?

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Invert the cups and count on only 4 toothpicks

See the figure below. It contains two cups made up of 5 matchsticks each. The cups are upside down, as usual. However, your objective is to rotate them at an angle 180º, with only 4 matchsticks.

Mental challenge.

Some questions may arise in the process. Therefore, we separate some necessary information for you to be successful in the test. But beware: You may not want to read the information below to also test your ability to understand. In that case, we recommend jumping to the result after reaching your own conclusions.

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The amount of toothpicks is not per cup

Each cup contains 5 matchsticks. If you were to move 4 matchsticks per cup, the challenge would be very easy! In this case, it would be enough to keep the orientation of the stick that acts as the “base” of the glass, mirroring and inverting the other sticks. The challenge is a little more complicated: Only 4 matchsticks must be moved out of the total of 10, which corresponds to the two containers.

How can I move the sticks?

There is no prohibited orientation. As defined above, vectors can vary their direction and direction in a plane infinitely. So you can place the matchsticks diagonally, vertically, horizontally, or in any direction in between. You can mirror it, flip it and do whatever it takes to achieve your result.

Let's go to the result

Mental challenge.

We need to remember that there are many possibilities to arrive at the final result. Therefore, we present only one of the solutions above! Finally: Follow the vectors highlighted in gray to move the flagged sticks and see that the result will be 2 upside down cups. You did it?

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