Toxic Parenting: See Signs You Were Raised by a Critical Parent

The criticisms made during the creation of a child or young person can directly influence the future of that individual. It may even harm you in the long run. Your child may grow up with numerous insecurities and have many problems with social skills, which will hinder him in his work and in his pursuit of a career. relationship. Here are some signs that will make it clear that you had a controlling parent when you were younger.

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Impact of a critical parent on your life

In high school, I had a classmate for three years. She was a great colleague, but one who had some pretty significant insecurities that were on display for just about everyone to see. She was one of the best in math, but she almost never interacted in class and always pushed herself a lot about raising her grades.

At the beginning of the second year, she started living near my house. Sometimes I would go with her and her father in the car to school. Just spending a few minutes with the man made me understand why the girl was so insecure. Her father was extremely critical and controlling. Just 20 minutes in the vehicle next to him was enough to make anyone uncomfortable… imagine living with this person for 17 years.

Growing up with very critical parents can have a lasting negative effect.

Did you see yourself in this story? See some signs that were based on psychotherapeutic studies.

1. Difficulty trusting yourself

Pressure at the beginning of life and constantly can cause some difficulty in being confident in the things you do or say, without thinking you are doing or saying something wrong. You develop a life filled with self-doubt and a constant need for approval from others to validate yourself.

2. You don't risk

Facing new challenges is an almost impossible task. That great excitement of taking a chance on something new doesn't exist, because you're too afraid of failing and being criticized for it.

3. Tends to be quite a perfectionist

Wanting everything to come out extremely perfect, without any mistakes. This is due to the fact that you fear being criticized because you have done something wrong. Of course, nobody likes to have flaws pointed out, but that's normal. Given this, you take a long time to complete your tasks, as you pay extreme attention to everything going well.

4. Apologize constantly

When your own parents went to great lengths to show you that you were wrong in some way, it's easy to think that everyone else thought the same. Sometimes you'll even apologize for being apologetic too much. Do you understand the problem?

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