Eternal cities: see some cities that have existed for a long time

There are some cities that have existed for thousands of years, carrying part of the history of the planet and the main civilizations. However, not all of them were constantly inhabited. In this matter, we will list some of the calls eternal cities, which maintains a constant population for millennia.

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Most of the cities listed are also considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the expectation is that they will remain inhabited indefinitely. But, unfortunately, some are at risk of disappearing.

Check out the oldest inhabited cities of mankind below:


This city in Palestine is located a few kilometers from the Jordan River, approximately 8 kilometers from the northern tip of the Dead Sea and about 27 kilometers from Jerusalem. Historic Jericho is considered the oldest city that still exists today, having been inhabited for over 10,000 years.

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The capital of Rey County is located in Tehran Province, Iran. It is also one of the oldest cities in civilization, having been inhabited since 6000 BC. W.


The capital of Syria, also known as the City of Jasmine, is the oldest country capital in the world, having been continuously inhabited since 5000 BC. W. It is still regarded as one of the largest religious and cultural centers in the Levant.


The historic city of Athens, capital of Greece, hosted Aristotle's Lyceum and Plato's Academy. It is seen as the cradle of democracy and western civilization. It is estimated that the oldest capital in Europe has been continuously inhabited since 5000 BC. W.


Located between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean, Jerusalem is the holy city of three religions – Christianity, Islam and Judaism. It has been destroyed at least twice in the course of history, in addition to being attacked 52 times, besieged 23 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. The holy city is believed to have had a continuous population from the period between 4500 and 3400 BC. W.


Finally, Argos was considered by Herodotus as the first major city in Greece that achieved prominence in relation to trade with the Eastern Mediterranean. The first people to inhabit the city date back to around 3000 BC. W.

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