M&M launches a new flavor for coffee lovers

M&M'ss is a brand owned by Mars, which sells products based on small pieces of chocolate coated with sugar. The brand has more than 10 different flavors – such as white chocolate, lemon pie, hazelnut, mint dark chocolate and several others. In today's article, we bring you another novelty from this brand, the espresso-flavored M&Ms, and another launch that will surely stir up coffee and chocolate lovers.

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M&Ms and coffee flavor releases

For coffee lovers, M&Ms has launched a spectacular novelty: M&M espresso flavor. According to experts, coffee and chocolate go hand in hand, being flavors that go perfectly well together! Coffee beans are grown in tropical regions and go through a process similar to chocolate to become an edible product.

With the popularity of this new release of espresso flavored M&Ms soaring on social media, the company decided to launch a new caramel latte flavor. This flavor has a caramel center encased in coffee-flavored chocolate and topped with a crunchy sugar shell.

A curiosity about this flavor is that the company decided to combine coffee with caramel because cold brew – an iced coffee prepared with cold water infusion with caramel – ranked as one of the most purchased drinks by Gen Z – generation of people born between 1990 and 2010.

The launch of the product in the markets, however, will take some time. It is slated to hit shelves by February 2023. But, until then, you can enjoy other brand flavors such as: Pretzel, Crispy, Almond, Peanuts and several other flavors, since what is not lacking in M&Ms products is the variety of flavors.

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