Learn how to plant Camapu at home and enjoy all its benefits

Camapu has been increasingly studied by natural medicine because it is a medicinal plant. In addition, this plant has several health benefits, from regulating cholesterol levels in the body, to controlling insomnia and anxiety. It also helps in strengthening the immune system, having a greater emphasis on preventing Alzheimer's.

Knowing this, learn it now how to plant camapu at home. See more!

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Step by step to plant camapu

Before teaching how to plant camapu at home, it is important to remember that studies to prove the medicinal action of this plant are still being carried out. Therefore, there is still no definitive answer about its effects.

Now, to plant the camapu you will first need:

  • A wooden stick;
  • Land drained and fertilized with humus;
  • Large vase with holes in the bottom;
  • A bright place, that hits sun.

With these items in hand, just follow the step by step. First, you need to take the vase you have chosen and place some stones in the bottom. Then add the soil to the pot little by little and wet it until it becomes damp. Then make holes and place the camapu seeds carefully.

Finally, just leave it in a well-lit place, where the sun shines, and that's it, just wait for your plant to germinate in up to two weeks. It's important to remember to always water the vase, keeping the soil moist.

Camapu tea benefits

There are several ways to consume this plant and extract its benefits. One of the ways to gain access to its medicinal effects is to make a camapu tea which, in addition to being practical, is also tasty.

To make the tea, separate some leaves of this fruit, put it in a pan with water and let it boil for approximately 10 minutes. After that, turn off the oven, cover the pan and let the leaves rest.

Finally, strain the tea and drink it. In order not to lose any of its benefits, the ideal is to consume the tea right at the time of preparation, and you can drink it up to twice a day.

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