Learn how to grow yacon potatoes and enjoy its benefits!

Yacon potato has many health benefits. She is excellent in controlling hypertension and cholesterol, as well as helping to lose weight and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

It is also rich in inulin, a polysaccharide carbohydrate that helps regulate glucose in the body, which has made it known as the diabetic's potato. Furthermore, its leaves are commonly used in medicinal treatments to control and prevent diseases of the circulatory system. If you want how to grow yacon potatoes, then keep reading!

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Initially cultivated in the Andes Mountains, its name Yacon means "watery", this is due to the fact that it is composed of 85% water. Furthermore, he came to Brazil in 1994 when brought by Japanese immigrants.

Consumption is to be in its raw form, that is, we should not cook or fry this potato. It is also very common to use it in salads, smoothies, juices and desserts.

A curious information about this potato is that it grows faster if it is at high altitudes. However, it also thrives well even at sea level.

Learn to plant it

Initially, we must take good care of the soil so that it is deep, well drained and rich in organic matter. Therefore, make sure the pot is at least 30cm deep and has a good drainage system.

Then we must enrich the substrate: separate an organic fertilizer, earthworm humus or animal manure and mix it through the soil so that it stays throughout the vase. Then plant the seedlings in holes 5 cm deep and respecting the distance of 1 meter between them.

As this potato tends to adapt to climates, it tolerates well between 10° and 30°C, but it prefers places with full sun and good light, but it is also possible that it develops more slowly in half shadow.

For watering it is simple: do not soak and keep the soil moist by watering twice a week, but if you notice that the soil appears to be very dry you can increase the frequency of watering.

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