Readjustment in health plans will affect millions of people, says ANS

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The National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) recently released a 9.63% readjustment in the rates of individual and family health plans.

This measure, which affects around 8 million users, was decided at a meeting of ANS directors and will be applied between May 1, 2023 and April 30, 2024.

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The increase will be billed retroactively for the months of May and June, with billings expected in July and August. It is worth noting that this adjustment will be applied in addition to the readjustments scheduled for these months.

According to the Brazilian Institute of Defense of the Consumer (Idec), the readjustment of the ANS is almost 67% higher than the accumulated inflation of 2022.

What types of health plans will have readjustment?

The 9.63% readjustment will apply to regulated individual and family health plans. These include contracts signed from January 1999, or that were adapted to Law No. 9,656/98, which defines the general rules for health plans in Brazil.

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The ANS reported that approximately 8 million people, that is, about 16% of the 50.6 million users of health plans in the country, will be affected by the readjustments.

However, users of collective or business plans will not be impacted, as the adjustments for these plans are determined directly by the operators.

Adjustments can be applied in the contract anniversary month - corresponding to the month of signature of the plan. Thus, changes in readjusted monthly fees for the months of May and June will be charged in July and August, respectively, in addition to the readjustments already planned for these months.

To better understand how this measure will affect your finances, contact your plan operator to find out how future monthly fees will be readjusted.

Transparency and planning are essential to deal with these new costs while ensuring that healthcare is maintained.

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