THESE people will receive R$900 from Caixa Tem every month

You must have heard about the app box has, it is not? This app was created during the pandemic and, to this day, is used by the government as a payment method for various social benefits.

One of these benefits that is being released is R$900, one of the most important for the population, after all, it is possible to increase this amount if you are approved with certain conditions.

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In order for you to better understand the subject, we have brought some information on the subject. Check it out below!

What is this program?

This is the Bolsa Família program, which consists of transferring a certain monthly amount to vulnerable families. This initiative is by the MDS (Ministry of Social Development, Family and Fight against Hunger).

The amount to be transferred is calculated according to the conditions of each family member, such as age, for example, and the amount of monthly income. Once this is done, the amount is deposited in the Caixa Tem account.

Who will receive?

In order for you to receive the amount to be transferred, it is necessary to be part of the Bolsa Familia. To do this, you need to register for CadÚnico – Single Registry for Social Programs -, and this can be done at a CRAS near you.

The MDS is responsible for selecting and approving people for the amount to be received. However, some rules must be complied with, such as a monthly income of R$ 218 per person, the family's vaccination card must be up to date and the children must attend school.

In June, the families covered were able to receive more than R$ 700 per beneficiary. The government's investment for this program was around R$ 15 billion.

What will be the amount to be deposited?

For families that have only adults in their composition, they can receive BRL 600 per month, and this amount can be increased, with the objective that each member receives at least BRL 142. But families with teenagers, children or pregnant women can receive extras.

How do these additions work?

Families with children can receive an increase of R$ 150, if they are up to 6 years old. For families with teenagers and children from 7 to 18 years old, the addition is R$50, as well as for those with pregnant women.

If the family is made up of a single mother and two children between the ages of 3 and 5, the additional fee is R$150, and with the R$600 installment, the amount reaches R$900 per month. If there are more additions, the monthly amount may be even higher.

How to receive?

After enrolling in CadÚnico and Bolsa Família and meeting the conditions to receive this amount monthly, you must have access to the Caixa Tem application, as the amounts will be deposited by there.

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