Check out the best dog breeds to raise in an apartment

The adaptation of dogs in small places will depend on many factors ranging from the breed to the age of the pet. Still, it's a bit difficult to pinpoint what are the best dog breeds to keep in an apartment. However, there are some that adapt better to these small environments, being able to live without major problems.

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There are some dog breeds considered perfect for people…

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In this sense, we have prepared a list with information about which are the most suitable dog breeds to live in apartments and the necessary care that must be taken by the tutors. So, keep reading and check it out now!

What are the best breeds to raise in an apartment?


The Poodle is one of the most popular dog breeds in Brazil and is a good option for apartments. This little dog is well known for being intelligent, faithful and obedient to its owner.

In addition, a curious characteristic of the Poodle is the diversity of sizes that the breed presents. However, regardless of size, the animal is well behaved and super playful.

yorkshire terrier

Another very popular apartment dog option is the Yorkshire Terrier. Due to its long coat that does not shed easily and its small size, it is one of the favorites when choosing the next member of the family.

Also, the Yorkie is a little animal that demands a lot of attention from its guardians. In this way, daily walks are essential for him to spend all the accumulated energy.

Shih Tzu

Among the favorites of people who want a pet for an apartment, the Shih Tzu proves to be an animal that easily adapts to small environments. These little dogs have a strong temperament, but they are very companion and faithful.

Dogs of this breed love to play and practice physical activity, however, they don't need a lot of time exercising. As much as it is a small pet, the Shih Tzu has a very strong guardian instinct and can be jealous of the tutor.

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