"Polite" attitudes that bother: Know the excesses to avoid them!

Being polite and respectful is generally highly appreciated. However, there are certain behaviors that, when taken to extremes or used insincerely, can be perceived as more irritating than charming. We separate some examples of polite attitudes that bother. Check out!

apologize all the time

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Of course, it is important to recognize when we make a mistake or cause discomfort, but asking sorryfor anything, even silly things that aren't even our fault, can seem insecure and irritate other people. And then, when we really need to apologize for real, no one will take it seriously.

being too formal

You know those people who are always very formal, even in super relaxed situations? It's nice to be polite, however, overdoing the formality can create a barrier in conversations and make others uncomfortable. It's better to leave formality for the right occasions and be more relaxed in others.

speak very softly

It really sucks when someone speaks so softly that you barely understand what they said. Of course, we don't need to shout, however, speaking at an adequate volume is essential for everyone to be able to participate in the conversation. conversationwithout asking to repeat it all the time.

be extremely accommodating

Being helpful is great, however, there are people who want to help others so much that they end up putting themselves last. It's important to take care of other people, but we also need to take care of ourselves. balance is the key!

Use very polite phrases

Saying “please” and “thanks” is quite polite. However, these terms must be used without seeming forced and repetitive. Let's apply them sparingly and lighten things up.

give exaggerated compliments

Compliments in an exaggerated dose can even seem fake, right? Better to do this sincerely and in the right measure, so people will know that you really mean it from the heart.

be too considerate

Being polite is nice, however, exaggerating attention can make people uncomfortable. After all, no one wants to be treated like a superior all the time. We're all the same.

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