Sleep well: 5 tips that help you promote 'sleep hygiene'

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Sleeping better is a desire of many people, but, with the demands of modern life, it seems that this essential activity to maintain the proper functioning of the organism has been left aside. As the new day already starts with the night before, think about how you can to sleep better will help you to have more disposition and concentration.

What is sleep hygiene?

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It is the name given to the process of eliminating noise that can contribute to insomnia and sleepless nights. Unlike body hygiene, which the bath easily solves, sleep hygiene is a little more complicated. Fortunately, these correct tips will help you sleep better and wake up more refreshed the next day.

Below, see 5 measures to avoid during the night so that you can rest much better.

Avoid stimuli from screens and electronic equipment

White light from smartphones and other electronic devices is harmful to sleep and makes your brain keep racing and attentive right at the time it should rest. So avoid nighttime stimuli with white lights to get a good night's sleep.

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Avoid eating fatty and difficult to digest foods

Fatty, hard-to-digest foods direct the body's energy to the digestive process, which can disrupt your sleep. Likewise, the feeling of a heavy and bloated belly also reduces rest, due to the feeling of discomfort caused by a full stomach.

Avoid consuming too much liquid at night

Drinking water and other liquids in excess at night can increase the chances of you waking up during the night to go to the bathroom. As a result, sleep is disrupted. This can impair its repairing effect.

Avoid keeping the lights on or listening to loud music at night.

Lights on and very loud music at night contribute to inhibiting the production of melatonin, which regulates the circadian cycle and helps the brain understand that it is time to sleep. To avoid staying awake beyond the appropriate period, reduce white lights and loud sounds during this period in order to sleep much better.

Adopt a fixed bedtime

The lack of discretion to go to bed makes your brain always be on the alert. With that, your body doesn't know exactly what time to sleep and when it should start resting. So, to sleep really well, set times to go to bed and rest.
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