Wash your towels with this trick and they will be as soft as hotel towels

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At first, one of the best moments when getting out of the shower is wrapping yourself in soft, fragrant towels. In this case, the well-starched towel provides a feeling of comfort, and can dry the skin gently, without irritating it.

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Another positive aspect regarding the quality of the fabric is its durability, because the correct washing method preserves the fibers. Therefore, regardless of the material, it is important to add the correct products to the reservoir.

Forget the fabric softener when washing a towel in the washing machine

Did you know that fabric softener can be the villain of soft towels? This is because it reflects a substance that forms a waterproofing layer. In other words, it prevents water absorption and leaves surfaces hard and heavy.

Furthermore, softeners encourage the accumulation of bacteria

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and fungi, causing bad smells and allergies. For this reason, prioritize sustainable practices that do not cause long-term damage to parts and pollute the environment.

Discover the secret ingredient that leaves towels soft

Therefore, the infallible solution that leaves towels soft is vinegar, one of the most versatile components in the kitchen. Since it is a cheap and easy-to-find item, the first advantage concerns savings.

On the other hand, it is worth highlighting the qualities that include removing soap residue, combating bacteria and fungi and neutralizing odors. These benefits result in a soft, shiny and blemish-free appearance. That said, to use vinegar, just add half a cup to the drawer with the washing powder.

After all, what are the properties of vinegar?

Lastly, if you are still not convinced, it is important to recognize the composition of the vinegar. Therefore, acetic acid is an acid obtained from the fermentation of fruits, cereals or vegetables, bringing together several positive effects.

Despite its popularity in the kitchen, its use in cleaning mixtures has grown, in keeping with ancient traditions. Regarding recommendations, try to use white vinegar, also known for being alcohol-based.

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