Meaning of Analysis (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Analysis consists of the detailed examination of a particular subject or subject, observing all the details that make up each part of a whole.

In short, an analysis is the same as a detailed study about something, which can be applied in different areas of knowledge as a way to carefully observe a certain topic.

From a sociological and artistic point of view, for example, analysis corresponds to the critical and evaluative comment that someone makes about a certain work, such as a film, book, play, etc. The purpose of this analysis is to break down the content, interpreting the information contained in the work's lines. This type of analysis is also known as exegesis.

Learn more about meaning of exegesis.

In the field of psychology, analysis is understood as the technique of psychoanalysis, developed by Sigmund Freud. It is a psychotherapeutic method that is based on the analysis of the unconscious through the individual's external signals, such as words and actions, for example.

Learn more about Psychoanalysis.

Analysis or Analysis

Both words exist in the Portuguese language, but have different applications.

Analysis (with an acute accent) is a feminine noun and synonymous with study or evaluation. On the other hand, analyze (without an acute accent) is the conjugated form of the verb to analyze, having as synonyms study or examine.

The verb form analyze is used in the 1st and 3rd person singular of the present subjunctive, or in the 3rd person singular of the imperative.

Synonyms of Analysis

Among the different meanings of this term, the main synonyms of analysis are:

  • Exam;
  • Observation;
  • Diagnosis;
  • Investigation;
  • Research;
  • Verification;
  • Assessment;
  • Appreciation;
  • Exploration;
  • Inspection;
  • Decomposition;
  • Criticism;
  • Seem;
  • Screen.

SWOT Analysis

It consists of a technique of strategic planning where important data about a particular company or brand are analyzed, whether in the internal environment (its strengths and weaknesses) or in the external environment (its opportunities and threats).

Learn more about meaning of SWOT.

Syntax analisys

It is the part of grammar responsible for studying all the functions and connections of the parts that make up the periods and their respective clauses.

See also the meaning of Inspection.

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