Me and me: for me and for me

Me and me are personal pronouns that have the function of replacing the noun in the sentence and indicating the person(s) in the speech.

  • The “I” is a personal pronoun of the straight case that plays the role of the subject or of the subject's predicative.
  • The “me”, a personal pronoun of the oblique case that plays the role of verbal complement or nominal complement.


  • Me I can't believe I made it through the job interview.
  • Me I like traveling to the beach more than to the mountains.
  • when will you trust me?
  • This gift is for you and for me.


Remember that the “me” does not conjugate verb, only the “I”. Therefore, we must never use: “for me to do”; “I start”; “I like it”, etc. The correct is: “for me to do”; "I start"; "I like".

For me or for me: when to use each one?

Both “for me” and “for me” are two forms used in the Portuguese language, but in different situations.

  • For me: when it exercises the function of an indirect object in the sentence, always being preceded by a preposition which, in this case, is the “for”: bought for me; wrote to me; etc.
  • For me: performs the function of subject of the sentence, being always accompanied by an infinitive verb: for me to buy; for me to write; etc.


  • Our relationship is very heavy for me.
  • they bought a gift for me.
  • Everything at work is left over for me to do.
  • For me take the test I must study more.

Video about for me and for me

Check out the video below for a brief explanation of the use of "for me" and "for me".

for me or for me? Which is correct?

To expand your knowledge of the topic, read also:

  • Personal Pronouns of the Straight Case
  • Personal pronouns of the oblique case
  • me or me

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