Finally or End: when to use?

The “finally”, written together, and the “finally”, written separately, tend to confuse a lot when we are going to write a text. They have different meanings and therefore must be used in different contexts.

Find out here how to spell and when you should use each one. Check below the rules, uses and examples.


"Anyway", written together and with "n" after the "e", is a term synonymous with finally, finally, finally, etc.

It is an adverb of time that is also used to mean that something is finished: in synthesis, in conclusion, in summary, etc..


Anyway SOS!
After so many difficulties, anyway we can buy the car.
Anyway I can see Maciel this weekend.
After so many tests, we can anyway travel.


The expression "Anyway”, written separately and with “n” after the “e”, does not exist in Portuguese. Example: Until anyway you came!

In End

The “in order”, written separately, is used with the meaning of “at the end of” or “at the end of”. Therefore, this expression indicates the near end or even the end of something.

It is an adverbial phrase of tense, that is, it plays the role of an adverb in the sentence. It is formed by the preposition “in” plus the noun “end”.


Roberto worked 25 years and is in the end of career.
Victoria is in the hospital in the end of life.
When we are in the end of a test, we want to leave soon.
Juliana is pregnant in the end of time.

Also find out about other Portuguese questions:

  • Orthography
  • Spelling Exercises
  • In order or In order?
  • Under or Over?
  • Above or Above?
  • Under or Under
  • Below or Below?
  • If not or If not?
  • Too Much or Too Much?
  • More or But?
  • About or About?
  • Back or Back?
  • Travel or Travel
  • Session, Assignment, Section and Section
  • Lose or Lose?
  • Company or Company

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