Usually, drivers who commit traffic violations can be fined and receive points on the National Driver's License (CNH). However, there are some cases in which, when they break a driving rule, they do not receive points on CNH. This is especially true when it comes to administrative sanctions, according to the new changes in the Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB), implemented in April last year. Therefore, see in this article what are the offenses that do not add points on the CNH.
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There are types of serious infractions that do not generate points on the CNH
The driver's license is the main document for those who wish to drive vehicles in Brazil. Therefore, drivers should be very attentive to infractions, as accumulating points on the CNH can result in the suspension of the license for up to one year. In cases of recidivism, this period can be extended to up to two years.
Currently, the maximum score for loss of CNH is 40, but this number can drop to 30 if there is a serious infraction, or to 20 points if there are two or more infractions considered very serious. However, there are some types of infractions that do not earn the driver points in the license.
What types of infractions do not generate points?
Drivers who have not committed any infractions in the previous 12 months, if they are accused of minor or medium offenses, will not earn points on their CNH. In that case, it is still possible for the driver to receive only a warning instead of a fine, as would normally happen.
Another infraction that does not add points to the wallet has to do with the fines applied to passengers. This means that if someone does not wear a seat belt, for example, the driver can be fined, but no points will be added to the CNH. This procedure did not occur in this way before the changes in the Brazilian Traffic Code in 2021.