Attention parents: bullying can cause irreversible damage! Know how to act

O bullying it is an aggressive and intentional behavior that can happen in different contexts, such as schools, workplaces, communities and even online, through social networks.

The practice can take many forms, such as physical, verbal, social or psychological aggression, generating a profound impact on the mental and emotional health of the people involved. A person who is going through this whole process is able to emit signals, even if many of them can only be seen in the details.

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These small details can be decisive for parents to be able to deal with bullying with their children.

How to identify which children and adolescents are being bullied

Bullying among children is a serious problem that should not be ignored or minimized. It is crucial to recognize that practice is not just a normal part of the school experience or a problem that children must face on their own.

Silence and embarrassment are constant

When children are suffering from this type of aggression, they are often afraid or have difficulty talking openly about it. However, there are silent signs that may indicate that they are going through this negative experience.

One way children can silently announce that they are being bullied is by showing changes in their behavior. They may become more withdrawn, avoid social activities, or show anxiety and sadness.

In addition, they may start to have sleep problems, loss of appetite, drop in school performance and even show physical signs of aggression, such as bruises or scratches.

Affects self-esteem

Bullying can have a significant impact on children's self-esteem in the long term. Constant verbal, physical or emotional aggression can lead to a decrease in the child's self-confidence and self-esteem.

When a person is repeatedly bullied, they may start to believe the negative messages the bullies convey, which can lead to a distorted view of themselves. The child may start to see himself as inferior, incapable or undesirable, affecting his self-esteem in a negative way.

Notice Silent Calls for Help, But Take It Easy

When your child is faced with bullying or any other form of repression, it is essential to approach the situation patiently and calmly.

It's important to understand that each child has their own pace for sharing their experiences and emotions, so don't pressure them to tell everything right away. Give them time and space to process their feelings and decide if they can trust you.

It's critical not to feel offended or hurt if your child initially decides to hide something from you. This doesn't mean they don't trust you, but it could reflect the fear, shame, or confusion they are experiencing.

Show empathy and make it clear that you are there for them, no matter what.

Bullying prevention starts with being able to notice and recognize the signs that your child is being bullied. Be aware of possible changes in your behavior, such as sadness, anxiety, resistance to attend school, drop in school performance, among other indicators that something may be wrong.

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