If you regret something you bought online, you have the right to return the product.

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There are those who do not know about the existence of the Defense Code of the Consumer and lets some rights pass without even noticing. This Code ensures that customers can regret purchases made online, but many of them end up giving up trading when they encounter the error, simply because they do not know the error itself. right.

If the customer does not like a piece when he sees it in person, either because of the size or color, or the quality in which the product is presented, he may receive the full value of the product.

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The customer may regret purchases made on the internet

Through Law No. 8078, the Code provides that the customer may regret purchases made online, granting a period of seven days for the purchase to be cancelled.

The internet works as if everything were connected. Therefore, the best way to express dissatisfaction and ensure that the product is returned is to complain by email or on the store's website within the period stipulated by the Code.

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However, perhaps due to a lack of revision of the law itself, this is not a guaranteed right for people who make in-person purchases. The purchase amount will only be refunded if the store offers this option, and there is an agreement between the customer and the seller. Even so, the exchange of products purchased in person is guaranteed for a period of 30 days.

Can the seller refuse to return the product?

Keep all receipts that can show the action, as the misfortune of the store may happen if it refuses to return the full value of the product. In this case, the customer may file a lawsuit.

To solve the problem, the customer can first make a complaint about the store through companies or websites that work with processes. Consumers can complain directly to the PROCON, on ‘Complain here’ or on the Consumidor.gov website.

If the problem is not resolved with the complaint, the customer may file a lawsuit and seek the help of a specialized lawyer who can monitor the process.

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