Haddad indicated that the minimum wage readjustment will still be discussed

The increase in the minimum wage was not guaranteed for the month of January. As indicated by Fernando Haddad, the Minister of Finance, the value of R$ 1,320 – foreseen in the Budget for 2023 – still needs to be discussed with the union centrals. In this way, the readjustment so expected has not been confirmed for the first month of the year.

Haddad guarantees that this is not a position against what was promised by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva during the election campaign. According to the minister, the change is known as a real increase and it is a commitment that needs to be followed.

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“President Lula's commitment is a real increase [in the minimum wage], which has already happened. The current minimum wage is 1.4% higher than the accumulated inflation since the last readjustment”, he informed.

The Bolsonaro government edited the provisional measure in December, which guaranteed basic remuneration of R$ 1,302 in 2023.

Impasses faced for the readjustment of the minimum wage

The amount of R$ 1,320 will be discussed because of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). The BRL 6.8 billion allocated by the Transition Constitutional Amendment were not enough to readjust all transfers to beneficiaries of the institute, which is based on workers' salaries.

The lack of value was created by spending on pensions and retirements estimated by the INSS in the last months of last year. To implement the salary in question in January, the government would need another BRL 7.7 billion to cover the entire increase, not counting the BRL 6.8 billion mentioned above.

For the most part, representatives of the economy indicate that the real increase can be postponed to another time. This can only be decided when there is a meeting.

These would be the numbers put on the agenda for the Ministry of Social Security this week, but the meeting was postponed because of the latest events involving attacks to the headquarters of the Three Powers last weekend.

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