Are cats snobs? Read and understand better!

Cats choose who they're going to be kind to and who they're going to listen to. Cats are animals smart and very individual, and although difficult, they value their tutors a lot. A French study showed that when they were called by strangers, they didn't get much response, but when called by their owners, they showed a lot of attention. Next, learn more about this study that brings the information that cats are snobs.

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Are cats snobs? See what the study says

In this French study, cats showed more interest when they heard their owners referring to them in the tone of voice they usually use when talking amiably with their cats. But they were completely uninterested in having strangers speak to them in the same tone.

That is, if you are used to talking to your cat as if he were a little baby, most likely they will ignore what you say if you change your way of talking. The same goes for other people.

Are cats semi-domesticated animals?

Recent studies have been published that contradict the belief that cats are not affectionate with their owners, who only show affection when they want something.

The published study says: “For a long time it was thought that cats were very independent creatures, only interested in [humans for] food and shelter, but the fact that they specifically react to their owner rather than anyone who addresses them supports the idea that they are attached," said scholar Charlotte de Mouzon to the The Guardian.

This belief comes from the fact that cats are semi-domesticated animals that are more than capable of living without a human as their guardian. Different from dogs that have a certain dependence on their owners.

Even though cats are so independent, that doesn't mean they don't have affection for their owners. Cats treat their owners as they would other cats, so cats rub up against their owners and lick them like if it was giving a bath, as they do with other felines, demonstrating that its owner is like a member of its family.

Cats are not insensitive animals, but rather misunderstood and misunderstood. When you stop to think about it, their attitudes are quite similar to those of humans.

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