Check Out Scams By Android Apps That Have Malicious Elements

Google has invested a lot in the security of the applications that are offered in its store, the Play Store. Thus, in partnership with security companies, such as Zimperium zLabs, it carried out actions to find malicious programs capable of stealing users' personal data.

In this way, the company was able to identify several scams by applications for Android, which served as a shelter for malicious elements and claimed many victims. But do you know how this robbery happened? Follow this article for more details and stay smart!

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Read more: Application available on the Google Play Store has already infected more than 500,000 cell phones

Scams by Android apps harboring malicious elements

Despite Google having identified the malicious applications, the survey by Zimperium zLabs is that approximately 100 million cell phones were infected. These devices are distributed among 70 different countries, and the estimate is that the programs were in the Play Store since March 2020.

Thus, when the user installed these tools, his mobile number was automatically registered with premium SMS services. Soon, a charge of 15 dollars (about R$ 80 in Brazil) was made on the victims' telephone bills.

However, people did not immediately notice the event, and criminals obtained money through these subscriptions for several months. Thus, the malicious elements were called the Dark Herring.

The action of these criminal agents was hidden for so long due to several reasons. These include the elements' presence in many applications, contact by remote servers, and the ability to evade antivirus detection.

Furthermore, Dark Herring criminals made use of far-fetched technology, where they were able to control the victims' cell phones individually. So, it was possible to establish the periods of greatest precaution so as not to be identified.

Although these apps have claimed many victims, it is very difficult for users to get a refund of the money spent on premium SMS services. This is because a huge number of countries in the world do not have legislation on services contracted through text messages.

Finally, he can rest assured! Google has stated that all these apps have been removed from the Play Store and therefore the platform is now more secure.

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