Meet 6 edible flowers and learn all their benefits

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Some time ago, adding flowers to a plate was only reserved for high-class people. After all, to eat flowers you have to be very attentive, because not all of them are edible.

Now, they are becoming more common and producers are already specializing in this super heated market. So, find out which ones are edible and how to use them in your dishes and make them beautiful.

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dishes with flowers

Firstly, the dishes with flowers, in addition to being delicious, are very beautiful and that is why, today, there are already producers who plant flowers exclusively for gastronomic consumption. An example is the Fazenda Maria farm, which is part of the Frangoeste group, which has been in the market for 10 years, the company decided to cover a new trend in the Brazilian market, that of edible flowers.

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The central focus is the gastronomic market of São Paulo, lacking in European flowers. However, the farm already distributes flowers throughout the country. Taking not only flowers, but buds, aromatic herbs and others.

Edible flowers

  • chive flower: chive flower tastes like garlic and onion, so it is recommended for savory dishes, such as salads, risottos and meat.
  • pink: you can cut the rose petals into thin slices and put them in the fruit salad. It can also be used to prepare rose water.
  • basil flower: with the same taste as the leaf, it can be used in the preparation of pasta and with plenty of tomato sauce.
  • Dandelion: It is considered one of the best edible flowers. Yeah, it's rich in vitamins and antioxidants capable of controlling sugar and treating diabetes.
  • Hibiscus: recommended for drinks, its tea is quite famous. It can be used to make jellies, to leave a pleasant smell in food and other things.
  • Lavender: Lavender has a calming touch, with a citrus flavor. Therefore, you can use it in different ways, such as in the preparation of cookies, cakes, teas and also add it to drinks to leave that pleasant smell.

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