Thinking of adopting a dog? See 20 fun names to give your pet

The arrival of a pet in the family is always a reason for great joy. The happiness provided by a puppy is out of this world. And the moment to think of a name for him? It can be very confusing as there are so many options. Indecision sets in. See then ten options to baptize your dog and ten for your little bitch.

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Name options for a new friend

If you think about having a pet, don't forget to consider adoption! There are many dogs in need of a home. Also, you don't have to worry about age, because even if the little animal is older and already goes by a name, you can change it and call it whatever you want! Check out the list we brought you below.

Female names:

The moment to choose what to call your dog must be special, so you can choose a familiar name to honor someone, but you can also prefer a more different one. If the latter is your case, we have some fun names for your little girl:

  • Blackberry;
  • Lilica Maria;
  • Stele;
  • Chloe Rita;
  • Marie (It reads “Marrí”);
  • Cindy;
  • Truffle;
  • Ivy Sophia;
  • Lady;
  • Clara Valentina.

Male names:

If the new family member is a male, don't worry, because there are ten more options for you to consider. To choose, our tip is to wait for it to arrive to figure out which name will go best with your dog's cute muzzle! Just as there are people who are “the face” of their names, this also happens with dogs. Note the suggestions below:

  • Thor;
  • Fred Billy;
  • Picasso;
  • Guarana;
  • Dudu;
  • Frederick;
  • Chico Francisco;
  • John Charlie;
  • Kim;
  • Neco.

And then? Did you make up your mind? Don't forget to play with the options and mix the names so that the result is as authentic as possible! That way, your puppy will have personality to give and sell.

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